
In Nigeria’s healthcare landscape, the management of medical and surgical supplies has seen a positive transformation through integrated and automated supply chain management (SCM) solutions. Despite this progress, many healthcare facilities still grapple with fragmented systems in handling drug inventory and supply chain management. Several myths persist, hindering the adoption of digital transformation in the hospital pharmaceutical supply chain. Here are five prevalent myths and how they can be surmounted using today’s supply chain management technology.

Common Myths About Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management

Myth: The pharmaceutical supply chain is too unique.

Reality: While the pharmaceutical supply chain is subject to stringent and medication management standards, it can benefit from an integrated SCM solution. This solution can streamline purchasing, tracking, and management of pharmaceutical supplies alongside medical and surgical supplies.

Myth: The electronic health record (EHR) system can handle drug inventory.

Reality: Despite integrating EHR systems with dispensing and storage software, they lack comprehensive drug inventory management capabilities. A supply chain management platform integrated with the EHR and inventory management systems By dispelling these myths and embracing SCM solutions, such as the Vendor Managed Inventory, healthcare facilities in Nigeria can enhance their pharmacy supply chain management.

Myth: The enterprise resource planning (ERP) system can manage drug inventory.

Reality: While ERP systems track drug procurement, they often lack data on drugs procured outside the system. A supply chain management platform integrated with the ERP such as Medbury’s Vendor Managed Inventory provides visibility and control over all pharmaceutical products throughout the supply chain.

Myth: A large team is required to generate reports.

Reality: Manual reporting processes can be automated through an integrated supply chain management platform, providing pharmacy teams with actionable insights with no need for a large reporting team.

Myth: Staying within budget means there is no need for change.

Reality: With rising drug costs and shrinking revenues, healthcare facilities must optimize their pharmaceutical expenses. An SCM platform with analytics can help pharmacy leaders assess the cost-effectiveness of their supply decisions and make informed choices to maximize efficiency and reduce waste.

By dispelling these myths and embracing SCM solutions like the Vendor Managed Inventory, healthcare facilities in Nigeria can enhance their pharmacy supply chain management, optimize resources, and elevate the standard of patient care.

Medbury Pharmaceuticals provides a vendor-managed inventory system that enables Medbury Pharmaceuticals to take responsibility for monitoring and replenishing the inventory of hospitals, governments and organizations.

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